Fares and Options
Frequently asked questions

Can I carry a bicycle in the metro?

It is not permitted to carry bicycles (except folding bicycles) and other means of transport, other than prams and wheelchairs, in the metro.

Can I take photographs in the metro?

Amateur photography is permitted, but please do not use camera stands and professional photographic equipment. Video shooting is only allowed with permission of the Moscow Metro administation.
More details on shootily in the Moscow Metro can be found at: www.mosmetro.ru/press/semka-v-metropolitene

Rules of travel of the Moscow Metro can be found at: www.mosmetro.ru/info/

What are the opening hours of the Moscow Central Circle (MCC)?

The Moscow Central Circle is open for passengers from 05:30 AM to 01:00 AM.

Do I need to pay extra when I interchange between the Moscow Metro and the MCC?

You can interchange for free between the Moscow Metro and the MCC within 90 minutes from the moment of entry.

Is free Wi-Fi available in metro trains and at stations?

Passengers can connect to free Wi-Fi in metro trains and charge devices at 30 interchange stations.