Frequently asked questions


Can I carry a bicycle in the metro?

It is not permitted to carry bicycles (except folding bicycles) and other means of transport, other than prams and wheelchairs, in the metro.

Can I take photographs in the metro?

Amateur photography is permitted, but please do not use tripod and professional equipment. Video-shooting is only allowed with permission of the Moscow Metro administation.
Please find details about footage in the Moscow Metro and the Moscow Central Circle at

Please find the rules of using the Moscow Metro at

What are the opening hours of the Moscow Metro and the Moscow Monorail?

The Moscow Metro is open for passengers from 5:30 AM to 1 AM.

The Moscow Monorail is open for passengers from 8 AM to 8 PM.


Moscow Central Circle

What are the opening hours of the Moscow Central Circle (MCC)?

The Moscow Central Circle is open for passengers from 5:30 AM to 1 AM.

Do I need to pay extra when I interchange between the Moscow Metro and the MCC?

You can interchange for free between the Moscow Metro and the MCC within 90 minutes from the moment of entry.

Is free Wi-Fi available in metro trains and at stations?

Passengers can connect to free Wi-Fi in metro trains. You can also charge your devices at 30 interchange stations of the Moscow Metro.

Can I take a bicycle in the Moscow Metro and the Moscow Central Circle?

Bicycles are allowed in the Moscow Central Circle, but are prohibited in the Moscow Metro. Also you can carry a bicycle on buses, trams, trolleybuses and suburban trains.



How much does a Troika card cost?

The deposit cost of a Troika card is 50 ₽, which is refundable when the card is returned to cash desks of the Moscow Metro, Mosgortrans ticket machines, suburban railways cash desks or to the Moscow Transport service center.

How can I check the balance of my Troika card?

Please hold the card against any of the yellow information terminals at the entrance hall of the Moscow Metro stations; the balance will be displayed on the screen.


Bike sharing

How can I hire a bike?

Firstly, please register in the bike sharing service system. To hire a bicycle, please find a bike-hire station and use a terminal to enter your login and password.

Can I carry a bicycle on public transport?

Bicycles are allowed in the Moscow Central Circle, but are prohibited in the Moscow Metro. Also you can carry a bicycle on buses, trams, trolleybuses and suburban trains.


Car sharing

How can I become a user in the Moscow car-sharing system?

Please register with a car-sharing operator of your choice, download its mobile app to your phone and find the nearest car. Foreign tourists can use Youdrive, Delimobil, BelkaCar, Car5, EasyRide.

For price and other conditions, please refer to your operator.

How do I pay for car sharing?

Payment is debited automatically from the bank card linked to your personal account in the mobile app of your car-sharing operator.

Where do I leave a car?

You can park the car in any place where parking is permitted. Car-sharing users are exempt from payment in Moscow paid-parking zones.


If anything goes wrong

I have forgotten something in public transport or in a taxi

Please call our hotline – 3210 for mobile phones of Russian operators (Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2) and +7 (495) 539-54-54 for other numbers (including international operators).

I am lost in the city

Our Moscow transport (Google Play, AppStore) application will help you to find the nearest public transport stop, plan a route and see how buses operate in real time.

I have some other problem

Please call our hotline – 3210 for mobile phones of Russian operators (Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2) and +7 (495) 539-54-54 for other numbers (including international operators).

We do our best to help you.